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Writer's pictureNyla Spooner

Podcast Show Notes: Episode 7 - Q&A**

Episode title and number: Episode 7, Q&A (Special Episode, released once a month)

Name of show: I’m New Here: A podcast for new instructional designers and e-learning developers

Airing Date: June 8, 2020

Host: Nyla Spooner

Questions/Comments/Concerns? Email the show:

Episode Summary:

I answer questions you’ve submitted about portfolio building, authoring tools, and more. Once a month, I'll dedicate one show to answer questions you submit. These episodes may be slightly longer than my usual 10-15 minute micro-podcast format.

In this episode, I discuss...

  •’ve probably already done some of the work as a L&D professional, you just need help understanding how to communicate those transferable skills to the public or recruiters, and possibly to yourself.(00:00)

  • The short answer to this is: you do not need to pay anyone a dime to learn how to use these tools. But you do need to have the mindset and discipline to do it on your own. Many people don’t so they pay someone to help them, and that’s alright.” (02:25)

  • ...Remember that your portfolio is a sample of your work. It isn’t all your work. It’s a highlight reel of what you have already done and of the type of things you’d like to do. 3 samples should suffice for most - especially if you’re new. ” (07:55)

List of resources mentioned in episode:

Homework: Enroll in an anti-racist online course.

Follow me on socials: @nylalxd

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