I'm taking part in The Show!
It's a learning design competition in conjunction with The Learning Conference (a learning and development conference for Learning Experience Designers, by Learning Experience Designers)
**Want to attend the conference? https://thelearningconference.online/**
64 participants were chosen based on their quality of work, and entered into the single-elimination tournament.
Winners will be voted by the community via YouTube, and the overall competition winner will receive 'The Show' Best Learning Designer 2020 Award
Check out my second submission: A slack-based chatbot to support an organization's health and wellness program. I created the mock-up using Botsociety.io.
Want to vote for my submission? Subscribe here https://bit.ly/2TlJSLS
Check out my podcast for new instructional designers, called "I'm New Here" - www.nylalxd.com/imnewhere